How to Program Porsche Cayenne 5M48H Key With Launch X431 IMMO Plus

How-to: program Porsche Cayenne 2011-2017 5M48H key with Launch X431 IMMO Plus/IMMO Elite with X-prog3.

Connect IMMO tablet with x-prog3 programmer

Step 1: Read IMMO Data

Select Porsche software->IMMOBILIZER function->Cayenne->2011-2017->Read IMMO Data->5M48H
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Check wiring diagram

Follow wiring diagram to connect 5M48H immo module with x-prog3 (need to remove component)
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Backup EEPROM Data
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Step 2: Generate Dealer Key

Select Generate dealer keys
Upload eeprom data read in step 1

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Place the new key into x-prog3 programmer

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Select an unused key position to generate key
Generate dealer key completed.
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Step 3: Learn key

Select Learn keys
All keys should be learned.
Turn on emergency indicators
Upload eeprom data again
Input number of keys need to learn: 2
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Insert original key and turn on ignition switch
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Insert new key and turn on ignition switch.
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You will see 2- keys learned on dashboard.

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